/21.02.2013/ Article “Detergent Recovery Systems at Dairy Plants”, authors: N.V. Goryachiy, T.A. Kravtsova, N.A. Chikov, the “Dairy Industry” magazine (No.2, 2013). The article deals with resource-saving technologies relevant to recovery of CIP-station detergents used for washing equipment systems and utility lines at dairy plants.
/02.10.2012/ Article “Innovation as New Value: Anuga FoodTec 2012 exhibition”, the "Milk Sphere" magazine, No.3(42)/2012. Opinion of an exhibition participant: comments of T.V. Kondratieva. The “Anuga FoodTec 2012” exhibition, which took place in Cologne from 27th to 30th March, is one of the largest international sectorial events devoted to food technologies. The article contains comments of Tatyana Vasilievna Kondratieva, PR & Advertising Head of ZAO NPO Elevar.
/25.07.2012/ Innovative technology in milk industry: save funds and protect the environment. Mrs. Kravtsova Т.А. candidate of biological science, Mr. Goryachy N.V., Mr. Titov А.Y., Mrs. Kodratieva Т.V. "Pererabotka moloka" (Milk processing) № 7/2012 Innovative technologies in dairy: save funds and protect the environment.
/29.06.2012/ Meeting of future: report on participation in the meeting Anuga FoodTec 2012. Mrs. Kondratieva Т.V.. “Molochnaya promyshlennost” (Milk industry), № 6/2012 “Elevar” suggests a solution for saving of funds during start or upgrading of a dairy plant: report on participation in Anuga FoodTec 2012 exhibition.
/19.03.2012/ ACS of TP – new possibilities of upgrading of milk production. Mr. Shvetsov А. А., Mr.Sheetov Y. А. "Pererabotka moloka" (Milk processing), №3/2012 Development of automatic control system of a dairy plant
/25.01.2012/ Membrane technologies – way of reduction of production costs for milk industry. Mrs. Kravtsova Т. А., candidate of biological science, Mr. Goryachy N.V., Mrs. Kodratieva Т.V. "Pererabotka moloka" (Milk processing), №1/2012 Milk and products after processing are presented in a daily ration of most of people and are included in mandatory consumer basket.
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